Aylesbury Secondary


St Michael’s Catholic School support the wearing of a school uniform in order to help fulfil the aims of the school, in particular those listed below:

  • To be a Catholic community recognised by our love of God and of our neighbour
  • To value and respect ourselves and all others.

We believe wearing a uniform:

  • Promotes equality of opportunity for all pupils, social cohesion amongst pupils and protection from social pressure to dress in a particular way.
  • Helps give the pupils of the school a sense of identity, belonging and positive self-image
  • Gives the school a well-respected profile and supports its Catholic, Christian ethos
  • Creates a culture of high expectations and high achievement within the school;


  1. All pupils from Nursery to Key Stage 5 are required to wear full school uniform.
  2. The uniform is designed to be acceptable to pupils, parents and staff and to be suitable (in terms of safety and comfort) for the range of activities pupils enjoy at school.
  3. The uniform list is published on the school website and in information sent out to new parents. Reminders about the uniform details are sent out to all pupils at least once a year. Items are priced competitively and the overall cost of the school uniform is kept low.
  4. Occasionally, changes are made in consultation with the students, parents and staff.
  5. The Sixth Form are required to wear smart office attire to school, including a shirt and tie for the boys.
  6. Requests for reasonable adjustments to uniform to meet the needs of individual pupils, e.g. for medical or religious reasons, will be carefully considered. However, in adopting this policy the governors have taken all possible steps to ensure that it is fair and reasonable, is non- discriminatory and acceptable to the majority.

Uniform Policy

Please order Uniform items from:

Bucks SchoolWear Plus Unit 11
The Vale Industrial Estate, Southern Road, Aylesbury
HP19 9EW
