Aylesbury Secondary


Overview: SEND Support at St Michael’s

At St Michael’s Catholic School, we are committed to meeting the needs of children with special educational needs to ensure that all children, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school.   

Each site in St Michael’s has a unique SENDCo who oversees special needs provision in that setting. For Aylesbury this is Ms Urbani, our Assistant Head, SENDCo.


We aspire to be a fully inclusive school and strive hard to ensure that all pupils achieve their potential, personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum. All students are valued, given a sense of worth and helped to develop confidence in their abilities and strengths throughout the range of their school experience.

Quality First Teaching

Teachers at St Michael’s meet the needs of all children through high quality, adaptive teaching and learning. Through an ongoing process of reflection, teachers remove barriers, applying strategies that are differentiated and personalised to meet individual needs.

Identifying and Assessing Special Educational Needs

The school is committed to early identification of special educational need and adopts a graduated response to meeting special educational needs, in line with the SEN Code of Practice.

Shared practises across the three sites include:

  • Termly attainment reports

  • Reading age tests

  • Other phase-specific assessments (including spelling age, CATs)

  • Review of our ordinarily available provision

  • Monitoring of mental health needs, in collaboration with parent/carer, Pastoral Leads and school staff

When required, the SENDCo and SEN team will create a Support Plan (primary) or Individual Education Plan (secondary) which documents provision to support the child in making progress. These are reviewed with parent/carer and child every term (or earlier if required).

Additional Support and Intervention

Where a student has been given a SEND Support Plan (IEP in secondary), interventions and additional support are detailed. All provisions are regularly monitored and evaluated by the class teachers/subject teachers, SEND department and SENDCo and will be amended, changed or updated, accordingly. Examples of intervention include:

  • IDL (International Dyslexia Learning)

  • Lexia Reading Programme (to boost reading ages)

  • Flash Academy (for pupils new to the English Language)

  • Lego Therapy

  • ELSA

At all times, parents are welcome to discuss the needs of their child with the SENDCo.

SEND Local Offer

The Buckinghamshire local offer can be viewed here: www.bucksfamilyinfo.org/localoffer

SEND Policies

SEN Information Report 2024 

SEND Contact Details

Ms UrbaniSENDCo and Assistant Head Teacher

SEND Governor
Dee Wilder | DWilder@stmichaelscs.org